Monday, November 5, 2012

Megan's Chicken & Dumplings

In this post i'm going to inform you on how to make my amazing chicken and dumplings.
you can use as much of the ingredients as you need to make the amount of food that you need. This feeds me and 5 other people.

Things You'll need:

  • 2 cans of biscuits
  • flower
  • 5 chicken leg quarters 
  • chicken broth 
  • butter
  • salt/pepper
  1. First you need to boil chicken for about an hour or two (depending on how much chicken)
  2. Once that's done you'll need to let the chicken cool and pull it apart. (don't pour out the water, youll need it for the dumplings)
  3. Then you put a scoop of flower on your counter and flatten out your biscuits, and cut them (depending on how big you want your dumplings to be) *i use a pizza cutter and it works great
  4. while your cutting the biscuits you need to bring your water to a boil and put a stick of butter, salt/pepper and a chicken broth packet.
  5. Once its boiling place the dumplings in (not all at once) 
  6. Once they are done turn the temperature down and throw the chicken in.
*let them cook as long as you think they need, because really its already done once you put it all together. I let them cook for about thirty  minutes to an hour just to make them thicker and taste better. 
*if you cant get them to thicken up add a scoop or two of flower and if its too thick add a cup of water.
*These are great with sweet cornbread and green beans.


  1. That sounds really good I might just cook that for my family!

  2. Megan you did awesome. Just reading it makes me hungry.
