Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Final Post :)

www.Supercoloring.com 11/25
This blog post is a reflection piece about what I have learned about my topic and some challenges that I've come too.  This will be my tenth and final blog post. Writing this blog post showed me what a blog really was and how to make one.

My first blog was a short bio about me and when I first typed it I thought it was so difficult, I had no clue how to do a blog or anything. In my second blog I did my favorite copycat Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets and they are very simple to make. I still was having a rough time trying to think of what to do my post on and how to format them. Once I got to my fourth or fifth blog it was getting a lot easier because I was finally getting the hang of it. What was hard about it was that my teacher gave us certain guidelines and topics (how-to, compare and contrast, interview, etc) I think this is what made it so difficult but since my topic is cooking it wasn't very hard to come up with a recipe.  In almost all my post I did my favorite  recipes, except for one that I had to find and make it and see how it worked out and tell what I would change  which was blog post six. In that post I talked about how I learned to make sausage balls and I never knew that you could use Bisquick in anything other than pancakes. I also learned about Paula Deen and Rachael Ray in blog posts eight and three.  In blog three I learned that Paula Deen has diabetes and that she still continues to cook those horrible foods, although she did quit drinking sweet tea as much as she used to. Also in blog three i learned that Paula's son Bobby has his own TV show promoting healthy foods unlike his mom.  In blog number eight I compared Rachael Ray and Paula Deen and they are completely different in very many ways. i also learned more about my mom in blog post seven because it was an interview and i had never done an interview before so that was a great new experience. Blog post nine was my famous chicken and dumplings because we could pick whatever we wanted to do so i thought i would share my favorite recipe on my blog.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Megan's Chicken & Dumplings

In this post i'm going to inform you on how to make my amazing chicken and dumplings.
you can use as much of the ingredients as you need to make the amount of food that you need. This feeds me and 5 other people.

Things You'll need:

  • 2 cans of biscuits
  • flower
  • 5 chicken leg quarters 
  • chicken broth 
  • butter
  • salt/pepper
  1. First you need to boil chicken for about an hour or two (depending on how much chicken)
  2. Once that's done you'll need to let the chicken cool and pull it apart. (don't pour out the water, youll need it for the dumplings)
  3. Then you put a scoop of flower on your counter and flatten out your biscuits, and cut them (depending on how big you want your dumplings to be) *i use a pizza cutter and it works great
  4. while your cutting the biscuits you need to bring your water to a boil and put a stick of butter, salt/pepper and a chicken broth packet.
  5. Once its boiling place the dumplings in (not all at once) 
  6. Once they are done turn the temperature down and throw the chicken in.
*let them cook as long as you think they need, because really its already done once you put it all together. I let them cook for about thirty  minutes to an hour just to make them thicker and taste better. 
*if you cant get them to thicken up add a scoop or two of flower and if its too thick add a cup of water.
*These are great with sweet cornbread and green beans.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

compare & contrast


  • younger
  • cooks healthy foods
  • started pet food/treats in 2007
  • grew up around cooking
  • her family owned several restaurants 
  • down to earth 
  • has videos on her website 
-Examples of her cooking:  Mushroom Raga Rigatoni, Turkey meat loaf, chicken and waffle casserole


  • neither wanted to be a cook when they were younger
  • own line of cooking supplies (pots,pans,knifes, etc.)

Paula Deen

  • older
  • southern cooking
  • In 1989 she turned her life around by starting this southern cooking.
  • she has 14 cook books which have sold more than 8,000,000 copies.
  • warm and caring
  • has recipes on her website
-Examples of her cooking: Southern fried chicken, walk away baked spaghetti, Texas pork ribs

